Saturday, June 4, 2011

First look at Maximilien Le Woof

Well, this is it. We are getting a puppy!
Please, meet Maximilien Le Woof, a little Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever who was actually born on my birthday (talk about fate!).

Isn't he just adorable?

What do you mean which one? That one there, the one fighting with his little brother!
Still not obvious enough? Well... that's the best I can do at the moment as we haven't been told which one of these little trouble-making males we are getting. We were lucky enough to get one to begin with, so we aren't picky. See, both males have white fur on back of their necks, which automatically disqualifies them from exhibitions, so some people decided to wait instead. Ha! Their loss, because these little guys are going to be pure awesomeness on top on being gorgeous.

That picture, a still from a video hence the poor quality, was taken back on May 22nd when they were about 3.5 weeks old. We are about to head out again to see them and hopefully find out if it's the one to the left or to the right that will earn the noble name of Max. I mean, Maximilien Le Woof, of course.

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