Two weeks have gone by, more or less, and not much has happened except a puppy that is refusing to heed my order to stop growing.
When he sits and looks at me, I can't help but think of him as a handsome little gentleman. He looks really adorable with his white paws and white snout.
Last week, we took him to the vet for his vaccin. He did not even notice what was going on. However, when the nice assistant came to help out with the claws... well, you might recall how horrible I felt when I tried to clip his back claws... So the girl starts with the front paws. He wiggles a little but she is quick and knows her stuff. Then she continues with the back paws. The little devious thing started screaming bloody murder and whining as if we were cutting his toes one by one. I was puzzled and slightly worried.
"That's how he screamed when I tried! What do you mean he's all right?".
Well, it turns out Max is a little wuss when it comes to his back paws. That little rascal!
We weighted him on the way out and, on Thursday, July 22nd, Maximilien weighted a full 7.90 kg.
Aside from that, he is turning out to be a real typical dog. Here is one of the latest proofs:
Most dogs get stuck on poles and such. He manages to do it all by himself. |
Given that there are very few people at work right now and that Niclas wanted to spend some time working on his dad's house with his brother, we decided I could take Max with me and see how he behaves while spending the whole day there. I have done it three times now over the course of two weeks and it has gone very well... except on the first day where he managed to first pee and then poop in my boss' office *hides in shame*. Luckily for me, he laughed and took the opportunity to take a coffee break while I cleaned it up. The worse part? We had just spent 10 minutes outside running and playing to see if Max needed to do something.
Otherwise, he has been behaving very well and he has been quite popular with everyone. He now knows where my office is as well as the
bathroom boss' office where he knows he can get a few friendly scratches behind the ears.
Oh boy, we're going to work! I'm so eager, I slept under your car to make sure you wouldn't forget me! | |
Welcome to my office! It's just me and my human today as her coworkers are still away. That means more room for me! And I can chew on some cables while she isn't looking, muahahaha (sorry Kalle! No harm done, I swear). |
This is where we plan all we've got to do. My picture isn't up there yet, but I'm sure they'll add me soon. |
Ah, there's nothing like hard labour to make you feel good about yourself! Here I am in one of my finest creative moments. |
Yesterday, we had the visit of Niclas' brother and Ludde. Max was quite pleased to be able to play with his cousin. His brother took beautiful pictures of them playing together and he has agreed to let me post them on the blog.
Catch me if you can! |
When Ludde gets tired of the fight and starts to focus on a toy, Max will still try to get him to play with him. After seeing all his attempts to fail, he will steal Ludde's toy and run off with it, chased by Ludde who wants to get his toy back. While we were eating sausages, he managed to grab the plastic duck from Ludde and they both ran around the table a couple of times before the culprit was caught.
Two good buddies sharing a piece of wood |
At one point, after the usual friendly fighting, they settled down and both gnawed on the same branch for about half an hour.
A very nice picture of Max with Ludde in the background |
Max enjoying a bit of shade |
Much later, the two cousins were cooling down and resting a bit while I was busy in the kitchen going "awwwwww" |
That's it for now, folks! My good friend Mia is coming next weekend and I hope she will take her camera with her (hint hint). She makes beautiful pictures and I bet she would be delighted to catch Max on film. That means I might get more lovely pictures to share!
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