Sunday, November 20, 2011


Halloween is traditional in Canada and I think it ranks pretty high, if not at the top, of my favourite holidays. I have been tryingto have a little bit of Halloween in Sweden, either by throwing a party or baking creepy (but yummy) things for my coworkers. This year, I had a puppy (uh oh) and, given his Canadian roots, I had no other choice but to make him participate in this great tradition.

I thought a long time about what kind of costume would be best for Max. I saw some amazing ones on the net, but 1) My sewing skills are rather... poor. 2) I did not want to invest lots of money to buy one. Beside, I think it is a lot more fun to make your own costume (and might often look better).

Much googling later, I got an idea.

Behold. Here comes Spider Dog!
"Spider Dog, Spider Dog! Does whatever a Spider Dog do"

"Can he catch, an orange ball? Yes he can, 'cause he's a dog"
"Can he lie down, lazily? Yes he can, 'cause he's a dog"
"Can he swing, on a web. No he can't, 'cause he's a dog. But he'll beg for food stand watch when the evil spider has lunch."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Reunion

At the beginning of October, we were invited to a puppy meeting by the owner of Canagold. We were very eager to meet Max' siblings as well as see how they would interact with each other.

It was a very fun afternoon and I think everyone had a great time. I do wonder if the humans or the dogs had the bigger blast.

The actors:
  • Saga (the mommy), Tanya (an auntie, I think, as she has the same father as Saga), Tazza (half sister as they share the same mother). You can read about these lovely dogs here.
  • Max, Nova, Yatzie, Teia, Tindra, Stella (Max and his sisters. Samos, the other male puppy, was the only missing one). About 5.5 months old.
  • Nikki and her daughter Luna, golden retrievers.
  • Minnah, Belgian shepherd/Malinois puppy, about 3.5 months old.
  • Oh yes, the owners of all these fine dogs and puppies.
Max was a little wary at first, as he usually tends to be. However, it did not last long and soon enough, he was running around and playing with his siblings and the other canine guests.

He happened to be the only male dog during that day, and he got chased around quite a bit.

The puppies are patiently waiting in line for the privilege of being petted.

Max is doing his funny face to make his siblings laugh.

She looks funny!

Max yielding to his sisters.

The puppy house, June 4th 2011

The puppy house, October 10th, 2011 

Niclas thinks he can be a flock leader. Minnah seems to be about to prove him wrong.

Max and Nova sharing a stick. Cute siblings.

Teia, Tindra, Nova, Yatzie, Stella, Max and mommy Saga.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fluffy White Trail of Destruction

What happens when a puppy finds out the whreabouts of your emergency toilet paper rolls?

A fluffy white trail of destruction.

The trail coming from the bathroom all the way to the den of a certain puppy.

The poor victim, found crippled in the den of the culprit.

The culprit showing absolutely no remorse at all and having another go at the mangled roll.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Max - 4 months

Today is Max's birthday. Well, sortish. He turns 4 months, so it's a quarter of a birthday!

What has mister Le Woof been up to lately? Well....

1. Eating dirt from my potted plant. Tsk tsk
2. Playing with his new tunnel from IKEA (he won't admit it, but he was terrified of the thing at first, now he seems to find any excuse to run through it).
3. Trying to dig the wooden floor at work to hide his bones. It's actually very adorable. He will start whimpering with the bone in his mouth, then walk around a bit, start clawing the floor, then put the bone there and pretend it's well hidden.
4. Hiding his bone between the cushions on the couch. I found it out the hard way when I tried laying on said couch and my side met with something solid and rather uncomfortable.
5. Niclas has been showing him to seek. He hides the ball and then asks him to get the ball. It works! It's so amazing. Of course, it doesn't work all the time, but gosh this is fun and I find it great that he understands the concept.
6. He's a climber. At work, if left alone, he'll find a way to get on my desk and wander around the place. I had to wash my water glass a few times and throw some almonds that were innocently laying by my keyboard. Oh yes, I've also learned to push my chair all the way in when I leave, although it doesn't always deter him. It's a good thing I can increase the height of my desk with a simple button.
7. He loves to jump... down high places that make me go "You crazy dog, you'll break your bones! Arrrrg NOOOO!"

So, enough with words and let's see some pictures!
Max likes to jump.

How much is that dog, in the car window? Woof woof!
Typical day at work for Max.
He's my little handsome gentlemandog

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Little Helper

I think the key of getting me to post is actually making shorter posts, so this one is about my little helper.

A new house means more space. Tons of space compared to our apartment, which was still nice mind you. This house has lots of rooms and as Niclas got his garage, I wrestled away one room for my crafting. I have been slowly furnishing it and making it a nice a place to do lots of crap fun projects.
This first picture is from July 25th, so bear in mind that my little helper has been growing since then, despite my most vocal objections.
I'm a genius! There's no way her chair will roll over my fur over here!
The next picture is from a little over a week ago, when I finally and proudly finished my TARDIS table for my sewing corner. He just followed me around as I carried it from the garage then plumped himself right under it while I decided to do a quick photo shoot with my phone (it was late in the evening, so the light was bad, hence the poor quality).

For those who are not familiar with the TARDIS, it stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space and it is the space/time ship of the Doctor in the British TV series Doctor Who. Its chameleon circuits are stuck so it also looks like a Police Box.

Given that this is technically the door, I suppose Max is inside the TARDIS.
Tonight, as I tested out my sewing machine on a project I had been postponing for months, I had my Little Helper keeping my left foot warm as he showed his encouragement with his cheerful snoring.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Things and Lots of Pictures

Two weeks have gone by, more or less, and not much has happened except a puppy that is refusing to heed my order to stop growing.
When he sits and looks at me, I can't help but think of him as a handsome little gentleman. He looks really adorable with his white paws and white snout.

Last week, we took him to the vet for his vaccin. He did not even notice what was going on. However, when the nice assistant came to help out with the claws... well, you might recall how horrible I felt when I tried to clip his back claws... So the girl starts with the front paws. He wiggles a little but she is quick and knows her stuff. Then she continues with the back paws. The little devious thing started screaming bloody murder and whining as if we were cutting his toes one by one. I was puzzled and slightly worried.
"That's how he screamed when I tried! What do you mean he's all right?".
Well, it turns out Max is a little wuss when it comes to his back paws. That little rascal!

We weighted him on the way out and, on Thursday, July 22nd, Maximilien weighted a full 7.90 kg.

Aside from that, he is turning out to be a real typical dog. Here is one of the latest proofs:
Most dogs get stuck on poles and such. He manages to do it all by himself.
Given that there are very few people at work right now and that Niclas wanted to spend some time working on his dad's house with his brother, we decided I could take Max with me and see how he behaves while spending the whole day there. I have done it three times now over the course of two weeks and it has gone very well... except on the first day where he managed to first pee and then poop in my boss' office *hides in shame*. Luckily for me, he laughed and took the opportunity to take a coffee break while I cleaned it up. The worse part? We had just spent 10 minutes outside running and playing to see if Max needed to do something.
Otherwise, he has been behaving very well and he has been quite popular with everyone. He now knows where my office is as well as the bathroom boss' office where he knows he can get a few friendly scratches behind the ears.

Oh boy, we're going to work! I'm so eager, I slept under your car to make sure you wouldn't forget me!
Welcome to my office! It's just me and my human today as her coworkers are still away. That means more room for me! And I can chew on some cables while she isn't looking, muahahaha (sorry Kalle! No harm done, I swear).
This is where we plan all we've got to do. My picture isn't up there yet, but I'm sure they'll add me soon.
Ah, there's nothing like hard labour to make you feel good about yourself! Here I am in one of my finest creative moments.
Yesterday, we had the visit of Niclas' brother and Ludde. Max was quite pleased to be able to play with his cousin. His brother took beautiful pictures of them playing together and he has agreed to let me post them on the blog.

Catch me if you can!
When Ludde gets tired of the fight and starts to focus on a toy, Max will still try to get him to play with him. After seeing all his attempts to fail, he will steal Ludde's toy and run off with it, chased by Ludde who wants to get his toy back. While we were eating sausages, he managed to grab the plastic duck from Ludde and they both ran around the table a couple of times before the culprit was caught.

Two good buddies sharing a piece of wood

At one point, after the usual friendly fighting, they settled down and both gnawed on the same branch for about half an hour.
A very nice picture of Max with Ludde in the background
Max enjoying a bit of shade
Much later, the two cousins were cooling down and resting a bit while I was busy in the kitchen going "awwwwww"
That's it for now, folks! My good friend Mia is coming next weekend and I hope she will take her camera with her (hint hint). She makes beautiful pictures and I bet she would be delighted to catch Max on film. That means I might get more lovely pictures to share!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Can...

Parents will often gush over their babies when they take their first step, speak their first word, get their first tooth, etc. Dates are often written down in a cute little journal to be eventually read, many years later, with a nostalgic smile on the reader's lips.

I thought about making a little book for Max, but I fear I would be a bit too lazy when it comes to write things down. I had already had the thought to continue to take one picture a week, on Wednesday, like Canagolds would do, so I could see his evolution but... well.. we take pictures, just not like they should be (one whre he sits and one where he stands).

However, I can put this stuff here! They say nothing you put on the itnernet ever vanishes, so that might be the best way to keep it for a very long time.

So, tell us Sir Maximilien Le Woof, what can you accomplish now that you are closing in on your 12th week of existance?

I can sit!
I can lie down!
I can *sometimes* bring back stuff (although these balls are a bit too big yet)

I can give the paw (since Friday!)
I can pretend I'm the Sphinx (yeah yeah, so he's more of a feline than a canine...)

And most of all...
I can hang out with my humans (and I love it)!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One of Many First(s)

This last Saturday, we took the cousins to the lake with the hopes that Ludde could trick Max into the water.

Well, that did not go as well as we had hoped. Dog treats helped, but Max is still wary of diving in. What he is not shy of doing, is digging in the sandy beach to then roll in the muddy sand until he is covered in it. Right... that will dry you up much faster, you silly doggie!
Ludde and Max at the lake

Ludde enjoying the water
Max enjoying the beach... yeah...
Don't think for one second that you'll escape the bath that's coming when we get home!

Max really "digs" the beach. Har har har.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Cousins

Max has had a little (well, big) roomate since saturday as Niclas' brother is off to celebrate his birthday in beautiful Italy.

Ludde will be staying with us until Sunday and I must admit I am looking a bit forward to it so we can get more peace around the house. He's a sweet dog, but quite energetic! He might have been fine had we not have Max but... well, we're looking after for two puppies at the moment (as if one wasn't enough already).  It's a fun experience though.

They get along very nicely, so that in itself is a big bonus. It also helps Max to socialise a bit more with another dog, he gets a playmate who he will meet many times over the incomming years and the neighborhood kids are just nuts about having two puppies to visit.
Ludde and Max, playing calmly for once.

My cute little frog
Something sad...
I tried to cut Max' nails last night. It was my first time ever and I had asked Elisabeth to show me how to do it before they left on Saturday. She gave me great tips and did two of Max' nails before he struggled to escape, so I felt more secure into performing this daunting task on my own.

Last night, I figured it was time. Max was a little sleepy and I thought it would be perfect. Niclas sat near by and we tried. Well, Max had a change of mind so we stopped after I managed one or two. While Niclas went to take care of Ludde, I tried again, this time bribing my little frog (see above) with a yummy doggy treat. That gave me plenty of time to do the 2 front paws. He finished chewing as I was about to start the back paws, started to wiggle a little but I thought I had it under control... then he welped and my heart broke. That poor little guy, I had almost cut his nerve. Luckily, I probably "only" pinched it or something when I ended up too close, because there was no blood and he seemed to have forgotten about it after 30 seconds, which included lots of hugs and another treat.

Now I need to get over my fear of doing this again, prep myself with lots of treats and give it another try soon. Wish us luck.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Clocking in

Yesterday, Friday (or Canada Day for our maple sirup lovers), saw a little puppy take over a whole company with nothing but bright green eyes and a fluffy red coat.

The "awww" and "ohhhh" and "så sött jag dör!" (so cute I could die) were heard in unison as little Max made his fashionable entrance (I say fashion because he was half an hour late due to bad trafic and the crowd was getting restless by then). I think that faux-pas was forgotten within seconds as a dozen of hearts melted simultaneously. I think we might be getting a new mascot at work.

Max stayed about an hour and made lots new friends, including a coworker's cute daughter who followed her to work just to play with Max.I can say for sure that Max had a great time with her, even falling asleep, after much playing, by her side.

You'd think he would do after the blue ball, not the white laces...
That ball's life ended shortly after meeting with Max' pointy teeth.

No Max, hiding under the couch won't save you from having to work!
What a big desk for a little puppy. Cookie points for that awesome mouse pad, Max!
Coming soon to New York Art Gallery!
After the 4 years old painter, the 9 weeks old designer!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Max has been having a few visitors since he moved in with us. People have a hard time resisting to his charm and who could blame them?

I have to say I'm quite proud of my little guy, he's been doing quite well with taking *most* of his business outside, he comes when we call him, he sits and since yesterday, he lays down too!

This past Sunday, he got to meet Niclas' brother's dog Ludde (does it make them some sort of weird cousins?). We'll be dogsitting Ludde next week, so we thought it would be a good thing to slowly introduce them to each other and see how they react. It went rather well, even if Ludde might not realise how strong he is, but it didn't deter Max who kept going for the ears. Tsk tsk.

Ludde thought it would be funny to blow a strawberry on Max' belly.
Max seemed to disagree and showed his discontent by nibbling on Ludde's snout.

Yesterday, Max had another playmate visiting who took it upon itself to play hide and seek in our yard.
I bet he cannot see me here!
And... random adorable picture of the day!
Oh no! He's coming to steal my cookies!!