Happy New Year 2012!
What better way to begin than by posting old pictures from 2011!
First of all, can someone tell me how much is that dog in the window?
Woof woof! Max staring at me at work. |
Also, I've recently gotten a new protection thingie for my computer at work. It's been working pretty well so far.
No virus is going to get in there! No cat either. |
Max is a bit particular. You know how people usually loves to sunbath? We take our long chairs, drag them into the open where the sun is shining warm and bright. We might bring a book, a nice drink or simply choose to close our eyes and drift off while enjoying the nice weather...
Max does it during the autumn, under the cloudy sky, on the bare chair. Silly doggy.
Maybe it's time I turn around so I get an even tan? |
Sometimes, he does get tired of cloud-bathing, mostly when he's playing with his cousin Ludde. Let the right ones in? (Låt "de" rätta komma in?).
Let us in! Pleeeeaaasseee! We won't wreck havoc in the house... again... Well, for 5 minutes at least. |
He loves to be around us, sleeping at our feet at work and at home, following us around as we do the stuff we do, even when that implies building Ikea furniture.
Ok, so I stay here and you follow my instructions. |
I give this the Max' seal of approval. Woof! |
We can sleep soudnly with Max in the house. He even keeps the Christmas tree and all teh gifts safe from burglars (or curious people trying to get a sneak peak at their presents a bit too early).
Merry Woofmas! |